Source code for muda.base

#!/usr/bin/env python
'''Base module components.'''

import numpy as np
import copy
from collections import OrderedDict
import itertools
import six
import inspect

__all__ = ['BaseTransformer', 'Pipeline', 'Union']

[docs]class BaseTransformer(object): '''The base class for all transformation objects. This class implements a single transformation (history) and some various niceties.''' # This bit gleefully stolen from sklearn.base @classmethod def _get_param_names(cls): '''Get the list of parameter names for the object''' init = cls.__init__ args, varargs = inspect.getargspec(init)[:2] if varargs is not None: raise RuntimeError('BaseTransformer objects cannot have varargs') args.pop(0) args.sort() return args
[docs] def get_params(self, deep=True): '''Get the parameters for this object. Returns as a dict. Parameters ---------- deep : bool Recurse on nested objects Returns ------- params : dict A dictionary containing all parameters for this object ''' out = dict(__class__=self.__class__, params=dict()) for key in self._get_param_names(): value = getattr(self, key, None) if deep and hasattr(value, 'get_params'): deep_items = value.get_params().items() out['params'][key] = dict(__class__=value.__class__) out['params'][key].update((k, val) for k, val in deep_items) else: out['params'][key] = value return out
def __repr__(self): '''Pretty-print this object''' class_name = self.__class__.__name__ return '{:s}({:s})'.format(class_name, _pprint(self.get_params(deep=False)['params'], offset=len(class_name),),) def __init__(self): self.dispatch = OrderedDict() def states(self, jam): raise NotImplementedError def _register(self, pattern, function): self.dispatch[pattern] = function.__name__ def _transform(self, jam, state): '''Apply the transformation to audio and annotations. The input jam is copied and modified, and returned contained in a list. Parameters ---------- jam : jams.JAMS A single jam object to modify Returns ------- jam_list : list A length-1 list containing `jam` after transformation See also -------- core.load_jam_audio ''' if not hasattr(jam.sandbox, 'muda'): raise RuntimeError('No muda state found in jams sandbox.') # We'll need a working copy of this object for modification purposes jam_w = copy.deepcopy(jam) # Push our reconstructor onto the history stack jam_w.sandbox.muda['history'].append({'transformer': self.__serialize__, 'state': state}) if hasattr(self, 'audio'):, state) if hasattr(self, 'metadata'): self.metadata(jam_w.file_metadata, state) # Walk over the list of deformers for query, function_name in six.iteritems(self.dispatch): function = getattr(self, function_name) for matched_annotation in function(matched_annotation, state) return jam_w
[docs] def transform(self, jam): '''Iterative transformation generator Applies the deformation to an input jams object. This generates a sequence of deformed output JAMS. Parameters ---------- jam : jams.JAMS The jam to transform Examples -------- >>> for jam_out in deformer.transform(jam_in): ... process(jam_out) ''' for state in self.states(jam): yield self._transform(jam, state)
@property def __serialize__(self): '''Serializer''' data = self.get_params() data['__class__'] = data['__class__'].__name__ return data
[docs]class Pipeline(object): '''Wrapper which allows multiple BaseDeformer objects to be chained together A given JAMS object will be transformed sequentially by each stage of the pipeline. The pipeline induces a graph over transformers Attributes ---------- steps : argument array steps[i] is a tuple of `(name, Transformer)` Examples -------- >>> P = muda.deformers.PitchShift(semitones=5) >>> T = muda.deformers.TimeStretch(speed=1.25) >>> Pipe = muda.Pipeline(steps=[('Pitch:maj3', P), ('Speed:1.25x', T)]) >>> output_jams = list(Pipe.transform(jam_in)) See Also -------- Union ''' def __init__(self, steps=None): names, transformers = zip(*steps) if len(set(names)) != len(steps): raise ValueError("Names provided are not unique: " " {}".format(names,)) # shallow copy of steps self.steps = list(zip(names, transformers)) for t in transformers: if not isinstance(t, BaseTransformer): raise TypeError('{:s} is not a BaseTransformer'.format(t))
[docs] def get_params(self): '''Get the parameters for this object. Returns as a dict.''' out = {} out['__class__'] = self.__class__ out['params'] = dict(steps=[]) for name, step in self.steps: out['params']['steps'].append([name, step.get_params(deep=True)]) return out
def __repr__(self): '''Pretty-print the object''' class_name = self.__class__.__name__ return '{:s}({:s})'.format(class_name, _pprint(self.get_params(), offset=len(class_name),),) def __recursive_transform(self, jam, steps): '''A recursive transformation pipeline''' if len(steps) > 0: head_transformer = steps[0][1] for t_jam in head_transformer.transform(jam): for q in self.__recursive_transform(t_jam, steps[1:]): yield q else: yield jam
[docs] def transform(self, jam): '''Apply the sequence of transformations to a single jam object. Parameters ---------- jam : jams.JAMS The jam object to transform Yields ------ jam_out : jams.JAMS The jam objects produced by the transformation sequence ''' for output in self.__recursive_transform(jam, self.steps): yield output
[docs]class Union(object): '''Wrapper which allows multiple BaseDeformer objects to be combined for round-robin sampling. A given JAMS object will be transformed sequentially by each element of the union, in round-robin fashion. This is similar to `Pipeline`, except the deformers are independent of one another in a Union, rather than applied sequentially. Attributes ---------- steps : argument array steps[i] is a tuple of `(name, Transformer)` Examples -------- >>> P = muda.deformers.PitchShift(semitones=5) >>> T = muda.deformers.TimeStretch(speed=1.25) >>> union = muda.Union(steps=[('Pitch:maj3', P), ('Speed:1.25x', T)]) >>> output_jams = list(union.transform(jam_in)) See Also -------- Pipeline ''' def __init__(self, steps=None): names, transformers = zip(*steps) if len(set(names)) != len(steps): raise ValueError("Names provided are not unique: " " {}".format(names,)) # shallow copy of steps self.steps = list(zip(names, transformers)) for t in transformers: if not isinstance(t, BaseTransformer): raise TypeError('{:s} is not a BaseTransformer'.format(t))
[docs] def get_params(self): '''Get the parameters for this object. Returns as a dict.''' out = {} out['__class__'] = self.__class__ out['params'] = dict(steps=[]) for name, step in self.steps: out['params']['steps'].append([name, step.get_params(deep=True)]) return out
def __repr__(self): '''Pretty-print the object''' class_name = self.__class__.__name__ return '{:s}({:s})'.format(class_name, _pprint(self.get_params(), offset=len(class_name),),) def __serial_transform(self, jam, steps): '''A serial transformation union''' # This uses the round-robin itertools recipe if six.PY2: attr = 'next' else: attr = '__next__' pending = len(steps) nexts = itertools.cycle(getattr(iter(D.transform(jam)), attr) for (name, D) in steps) while pending: try: for next_jam in nexts: yield next_jam() except StopIteration: pending -= 1 nexts = itertools.cycle(itertools.islice(nexts, pending))
[docs] def transform(self, jam): '''Apply the sequence of transformations to a single jam object. Parameters ---------- jam : jams.JAMS The jam object to transform Yields ------ jam_out : jams.JAMS The jam objects produced by each member of the union ''' for output in self.__serial_transform(jam, self.steps): yield output
### # Borrowed from scikit-learn 0.18 def _pprint(params, offset=0, printer=repr): """Pretty print the dictionary 'params' Parameters ---------- params: dict The dictionary to pretty print offset: int The offset in characters to add at the begin of each line. printer: The function to convert entries to strings, typically the builtin str or repr """ # Do a multi-line justified repr: options = np.get_printoptions() np.set_printoptions(precision=5, threshold=64, edgeitems=2) params_list = list() this_line_length = offset line_sep = ',\n' + (1 + offset // 2) * ' ' for i, (k, v) in enumerate(sorted(six.iteritems(params))): if type(v) is float: # use str for representing floating point numbers # this way we get consistent representation across # architectures and versions. this_repr = '%s=%s' % (k, str(v)) else: # use repr of the rest this_repr = '%s=%s' % (k, printer(v)) if len(this_repr) > 500: this_repr = this_repr[:300] + '...' + this_repr[-100:] if i > 0: if (this_line_length + len(this_repr) >= 75 or '\n' in this_repr): params_list.append(line_sep) this_line_length = len(line_sep) else: params_list.append(', ') this_line_length += 2 params_list.append(this_repr) this_line_length += len(this_repr) np.set_printoptions(**options) lines = ''.join(params_list) # Strip trailing space to avoid nightmare in doctests lines = '\n'.join(l.rstrip(' ') for l in lines.split('\n')) return lines