Source code for muda.deformers.pitch

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
# CREATED:2015-02-02 11:07:07 by Brian McFee <>
'''Pitch deformation algorithms'''

import librosa
import pyrubberband as pyrb
import re
import numpy as np
import six
from copy import deepcopy

from ..base import BaseTransformer

__all__ = ['PitchShift', 'RandomPitchShift', 'LinearPitchShift']

def transpose(label, n_semitones):
    '''Transpose a chord label by some number of semitones

    label : str
        A chord string

    n_semitones : float
        The number of semitones to move `label`

    label_transpose : str
        The transposed chord label


    # Otherwise, split off the note from the modifier
    match = re.match(six.text_type('(?P<note>[A-G][b#]*)(?P<mod>.*)'),

    if not match:
        return label

    note ='note')

    new_note = librosa.midi_to_note(librosa.note_to_midi(note) + n_semitones,

    return new_note +'mod')

class AbstractPitchShift(BaseTransformer):
    '''Abstract base class for pitch shifting transformations'''

    def __init__(self):
        '''Abstract base class for pitch shifting.

        This implements the deformations, but does not manage state.


        # Build the annotation mapping
        self._register('key_mode|chord|chord_harte', self.deform_note)
        self._register('pitch_hz', self.deform_frequency)
        self._register('pitch_midi', self.deform_midi)
        self._register('chord_roman|pitch_class', self.deform_tonic)

    def states(self, jam):
        mudabox = jam.sandbox.muda
        state = dict(tuning=librosa.estimate_tuning(y=mudabox._audio['y'],
        yield state

    def audio(mudabox, state):
        mudabox._audio['y'] = pyrb.pitch_shift(mudabox._audio['y'],

    def deform_frequency(annotation, state):
        scale = 2.0**(state['n_semitones']/12.0)
        for obs in annotation.pop_data():
            annotation.append(time=obs.time, duration=obs.duration,
                              value=scale * obs.value)

    def deform_midi(annotation, state):
        for obs in annotation.pop_data():
            annotation.append(time=obs.time, duration=obs.duration,
                              value=obs.value + state['n_semitones'])

    def deform_tonic(annotation, state):
        # First, figure out the tuning after deformation
        if -0.5 < (state['tuning'] + state['n_semitones']) <= 0.5:
            # If our tuning was off by more than the deformation,
            # then no label modification is necessary

        for obs in annotation.pop_data():
            value = deepcopy(obs.value)
            value['tonic'] = transpose(value['tonic'], state['n_semitones'])
            annotation.append(time=obs.time, duration=obs.duration,

    def deform_note(annotation, state):
        # First, figure out the tuning after deformation
        if -0.5 < (state['tuning'] + state['n_semitones']) <= 0.5:
            # If our tuning was off by more than the deformation,
            # then no label modification is necessary

        for obs in annotation.pop_data():
            annotation.append(time=obs.time, duration=obs.duration,
                              value=transpose(obs.value, state['n_semitones']))

[docs]class PitchShift(AbstractPitchShift): '''Static pitch shifting by (fractional) semitones This transformation affects the following attributes: - Annotations - key_mode - chord, chord_harte, chord_roman - pitch_hz, pitch_midi, pitch_class - Audio Attributes ---------- n_semitones : float or list of float The number of semitones to transpose the signal. Can be positive, negative, integral, or fractional. See Also -------- RandomPitchShift LinearPitchShift Examples -------- >>> # Shift down by a quarter-tone >>> D = muda.deformers.PitchShift(n_semitones=-0.5) ''' def __init__(self, n_semitones=1): AbstractPitchShift.__init__(self) self.n_semitones = np.atleast_1d(n_semitones).flatten().tolist() def states(self, jam): for state in AbstractPitchShift.states(self, jam): for semitones in self.n_semitones: state['n_semitones'] = semitones yield state
[docs]class RandomPitchShift(AbstractPitchShift): '''Randomized pitch shifter Pitch is transposed by a normally distributed random variable. This transformation affects the following attributes: - Annotations - key_mode - chord, chord_harte, chord_roman - pitch_hz, pitch_midi, pitch_class - Audio Attributes ---------- n_samples : int > 0 The number of samples to generate per input mean : float sigma : float > 0 The parameters of the normal distribution for sampling pitch shifts See Also -------- PitchShift LinearPitchShift Examples -------- >>> # 5 random shifts with unit variance and mean of 1 semitone >>> D = muda.deformers.PitchShift(n_samples=5, mean=1.0, sigma=1) ''' def __init__(self, n_samples=3, mean=0.0, sigma=1.0): AbstractPitchShift.__init__(self) if sigma <= 0: raise ValueError('sigma must be strictly positive') if n_samples <= 0: raise ValueError('n_samples must be None or positive') self.n_samples = n_samples self.mean = float(mean) self.sigma = float(sigma) def states(self, jam): # Sample the deformation for state in AbstractPitchShift.states(self, jam): for _ in range(self.n_samples): state['n_semitones'] = np.random.normal(loc=self.mean, scale=self.sigma, size=None) yield state
[docs]class LinearPitchShift(AbstractPitchShift): '''Linearly spaced pitch shift generator This transformation affects the following attributes: - Annotations - key_mode - chord, chord_harte, chord_roman - pitch_hz, pitch_midi, pitch_class - Audio Attributes ---------- n_samples : int > 0 The number of samples to generate per input lower : float upper : float The lower and upper bounds for the shift sampling See Also -------- PitchShift RandomPitchShift Examples -------- >>> # 5 shifts spaced between -2 and +2 semitones >>> D = muda.deformers.LinearPitchShift(n_samples=5, lower=-2, upper=2) ''' def __init__(self, n_samples=3, lower=-1, upper=1): AbstractPitchShift.__init__(self) if upper <= lower: raise ValueError('upper must be strictly larger than lower') if n_samples <= 0: raise ValueError('n_samples must be strictly positive') self.n_samples = n_samples self.lower = float(lower) self.upper = float(upper) def states(self, jam): shifts = np.linspace(self.lower, self.upper, num=self.n_samples, endpoint=True) for state in AbstractPitchShift.states(self, jam): for n_semitones in shifts: state['n_semitones'] = n_semitones yield state