Source code for muda.core

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# CREATED:2015-02-01 19:25:59 by Brian McFee <>
'''Core functionality for muda'''

import jams
import librosa
import soundfile as psf
import jsonpickle

import six

from .version import version

__all__ = ['load_jam_audio', 'save', 'jam_pack', 'serialize', 'deserialize']

[docs]def jam_pack(jam, **kwargs): '''Pack data into a jams sandbox. If not already present, this creates a `muda` field within `jam.sandbox`, along with `history`, `state`, and version arrays which are populated by deformation objects. Any additional fields can be added to the `muda` sandbox by supplying keyword arguments. Parameters ---------- jam : jams.JAMS A JAMS object Returns ------- jam : jams.JAMS The updated JAMS object Examples -------- >>> jam = jams.JAMS() >>> muda.jam_pack(jam, my_data=dict(foo=5, bar=None)) >>> jam.sandbox <Sandbox: muda> >>> jam.sandbox.muda <Sandbox: state, version, my_data, history> >>> jam.sandbox.muda.my_data {'foo': 5, 'bar': None} ''' if not hasattr(jam.sandbox, 'muda'): jam.sandbox.muda = jams.Sandbox(history=[], state=[], version=dict(muda=version, librosa=librosa.__version__, jams=jams.__version__, pysoundfile=psf.__version__)) jam.sandbox.muda.update(**kwargs) return jam
[docs]def load_jam_audio(jam_in, audio_file, **kwargs): '''Load a jam and pack it with audio. Parameters ---------- jam_in : str, file descriptor, or jams.JAMS JAMS filename, open file-descriptor, or object to load. See ``jams.load`` for acceptable formats. audio_file : str Audio filename to load kwargs : additional keyword arguments See `librosa.load` Returns ------- jam : jams.JAMS A jams object with audio data in the top-level sandbox Notes ----- This operation can modify the `file_metadata.duration` field of `jam_in`: If it is not currently set, it will be populated with the duration of the audio file. See Also -------- jams.load librosa.core.load ''' if isinstance(jam_in, jams.JAMS): jam = jam_in else: jam = jams.load(jam_in) y, sr = librosa.load(audio_file, **kwargs) if jam.file_metadata.duration is None: jam.file_metadata.duration = librosa.get_duration(y=y, sr=sr) return jam_pack(jam, _audio=dict(y=y, sr=sr))
[docs]def save(filename_audio, filename_jam, jam, strict=True, **kwargs): '''Save a muda jam to disk Parameters ---------- filename_audio: str The path to store the audio file filename_jam: str The path to store the jams object strict: bool Strict safety checking for jams output kwargs Additional parameters to `soundfile.write` ''' y = jam.sandbox.muda._audio['y'] sr = jam.sandbox.muda._audio['sr'] # First, dump the audio file psf.write(filename_audio, y, sr, **kwargs) # Then dump the jam, strict=strict)
def __reconstruct(params): '''Reconstruct a transformation or pipeline given a parameter dump.''' if isinstance(params, dict): if '__class__' in params: cls = params['__class__'] data = __reconstruct(params['params']) return cls(**data) else: data = dict() for key, value in six.iteritems(params): data[key] = __reconstruct(value) return data elif isinstance(params, (list, tuple)): return [__reconstruct(v) for v in params] else: return params
[docs]def serialize(transform, **kwargs): '''Serialize a transformation object or pipeline. Parameters ---------- transform : BaseTransform or Pipeline The transformation object to be serialized kwargs Additional keyword arguments to `jsonpickle.encode()` Returns ------- json_str : str A JSON encoding of the transformation See Also -------- deserialize Examples -------- >>> D = muda.deformers.TimeStretch(rate=1.5) >>> muda.serialize(D) '{"params": {"rate": 1.5}, "__class__": {"py/type": "muda.deformers.time.TimeStretch"}}' ''' params = transform.get_params() return jsonpickle.encode(params, **kwargs)
[docs]def deserialize(encoded, **kwargs): '''Construct a muda transformation from a JSON encoded string. Parameters ---------- encoded : str JSON encoding of the transformation or pipeline kwargs Additional keyword arguments to `jsonpickle.decode()` Returns ------- obj The transformation See Also -------- serialize Examples -------- >>> D = muda.deformers.TimeStretch(rate=1.5) >>> D_serial = muda.serialize(D) >>> D2 = muda.deserialize(D_serial) >>> D2 TimeStretch(rate=1.5) ''' params = jsonpickle.decode(encoded, **kwargs) return __reconstruct(params)