Musical Data Augmentation

The muda package implements annotation-aware musical data augmentation, as described in the muda paper [1]. The goal of this package is to make it easy for practitioners to consistently apply perturbations to annotated music data for the purpose of fitting statistical models.

[1]McFee, B., Humphrey, E.J., and Bello, J.P. “A software framework for Musical Data Augmentation.” 16th International Society for Music Information Retrival conference (ISMIR). 2015.



Before reading ahead, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the JAMS documentation.

The design of muda is patterned loosely after the Transformer abstraction in scikit-learn. At a high level, each input example consists of an audio clip (with sampling rate) as a numpy.ndarray and its annotations stored in JAMS format. To streamline the deformation process, audio data is first stored within the JAMS object so that only a single payload needs to be transferred throughout the system.

Deformation objects (muda.core.BaseTransformer) have a single user-facing method, transform(), which accepts an input JAMS object and generates a sequence of deformations of that object. By operating on JAMS objects, the deformation object can simultaneously modify both the audio and all of its corresponding annotations.

After applying deformations, the modified audio and annotations can be stored to disk by calling Alternatively, because transformations are generators, results can be processed online by a stochastic learning algorithm.

Example usage

This section gives a quick introduction to using muda through example applications.

Loading data

In muda, all data pertaining to a track is contained within a jams object. Before processing any tracks with muda, the jams object must be prepared using one of muda.load_jam_audio or muda.jam_pack. These functions prepare the jams object to contain (deformed) audio and store the deformation history objects.

>>> # Loading data from disk
>>> j_orig = muda.load_jam_audio('orig.jams', 'orig.ogg')
>>> # Ready to go!

>>> # Loading audio form disk with an existing jams
>>> j_orig = muda.load_jam_audio(existing_jams, 'orig.ogg')
>>> # Ready to go!

>>> # Loading in-memory audio with an existing jams
>>> j_orig = muda.jam_pack(existing_jams, _audio=dict(y=y, sr=sr))
>>> # Ready to go!

Applying a deformation

Once the data has been prepared, we are ready to start applying deformations. This example uses a simple linear pitch shift deformer to generate five perturbations of an input. Each deformed example is then saved to disk.

>>> pitch = muda.deformers.LinearPitchShift(n_samples=5, lower=-1, upper=1)
>>> for i, jam_out in pitch.transform(j_orig):'output_{:02d}.ogg'.format(i),
...               'output_{:02d}.jams'.format(i),
...               jam_out)

The deformed audio data can be accessed directly in the dictionary jam_out.sandbox.muda._audio. Note that a full history of applied transformations is recorded within jam_out.sandbox.muda under the state and history objects.


The following example constructs a two-stage deformation pipeline. The first stage applies random pitch shifts, while the second stage applies random time stretches. The pipeline therefore generates 25 examples from the input j_orig.

>>> # Load an example audio file with annotation
>>> j_orig = muda.load_jam_audio('orig.jams', 'orig.ogg')
>>> # Construct a deformation pipeline
>>> pitch_shift = muda.deformers.RandomPitchShift(n_samples=5)
>>> time_stretch = muda.deformers.RandomTimeStretch(n_samples=5)
>>> pipeline = muda.Pipeline(steps=[('pitch_shift', pitch_shift),
...                                 ('time_stretch', time_stretch)])
>>> for j_new in pipeline.transform(j_orig):

Bypass operators

When using pipelines, it is sometimes beneficial to allow a stage to be skipped, so that the input to one stage can be fed through to the next stage without intermediate processing. This is easily accomplished with Bypass objects, which first emit the input unchanged, and then apply the contained deformation as usual. This is demonstrated in the following example, which is similar to the pipeline example, except that it guarantees that each stage is applied to j_orig in isolation, as well as in composition. It therefore generates 36 examples (including j_orig itself as the first output).

>>> # Load an example audio file with annotation
>>> j_orig = muda.load_jam_audio('orig.jams', 'orig.ogg')
>>> # Construct a deformation pipeline
>>> pitch_shift = muda.deformers.RandomPitchShift(n_samples=5)
>>> time_stretch = muda.deformers.RandomTimeStretch(n_samples=5)
>>> pipeline = muda.Pipeline(steps=[('pitch_shift', muda.deformers.Bypass(pitch_shift)),
...                                 ('time_stretch', muda.deformers.Bypass(time_stretch))])
>>> for j_new in pipeline.transform(j_orig):

Saving deformations

All deformation objects, including bypasses and pipelines, can be serialized to plain-text (JSON) format, saved to disk, and reconstructed later. This is demonstrated in the following example.

>>> pipe_str = muda.serialize(pipeline)
>>> new_pipe = muda.deserialize(pipe_str)
>>> for j_new in new_pipe.transform(j_orig):


Installing muda via pip install muda should automatically satisfy the python dependencies:

  • JAMS 0.2
  • librosa 0.4
  • pyrubberband 0.1
  • pysoundfile 0.8
  • jsonpickle

However, certain deformers require external applications that must be installed separately.

  • sox
  • rubberband-cli